| Sarah Lesslie

Gianduja- the OG version of our Hazelnut Chocolate Spread

                What was the inspiration for our Hazelnut Chocolate Spread? Gianduja! So what is Gianduja?

Pronounced “John-doo-ya”, Gianduja is a combination of ground hazelnuts and about 30% chocolate. According to Wikipedia, it was invented in Turin during Napoleon’s Regency (1796-1814) by Michele Prochet with the purpose to make his limited supply of chocolate stretch a bit farther. Napoléon had put The Continental System into place in 1806 which put a strain on chocolate supply because British goods were restricted from entering European ports. This story has not actually been validated, yet it exists in conjecture and myth. However, it is one that holds mystery and intrigue around the invention of Gianduja.


            Soon enough after the invention of the Gianduja spread, a truffle made of Hazelnut paste and chocolate, Gianduiotti was created and is still popular in Italy to this day.  From there, we are all familiar with the beloved Nutella spread made with hazelnuts and chocolate that has become a staple in many homes. We want to offer you an organic and vegan version of that spread. This is a spread you can use on crepes, toast, marshmallows, and even chocolate bars. We’d love to see what creative ways you get into yours, so make sure you tag us on socials.


            Can’t wait to get your tastebuds excited with this creamy, nutty, chocolate-y spread? Head here to pick up yours!






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